Can we STOP the languague argument in the forum ?
Let's switch to the happiest language in the world: BODY LANGUAGE -
--- D A N C E ---
A FREE DANCE SCHOOL ON THE INTERNET: for all dances, including instructions, step by step guidlines, drawings, and dance sheets .....happy dances, international dances, folk dances, romantic dances....many many. Anyything you want is available.
Please use an international server such as Yahoo, MSN, etc.
Have a happy and crazy dance party !
Every night 11:00 -1:00 a.m at MLLPQP
(We have a 2nd chapter at M.I.T. -- pick your choice)
Please stop putting my sweet heart computer in the center of argument !
She is becoming a movie star !
I am afriad, if you don't stop putting out "advertisements" for her,
One day she might find a "cyber lover" (internet lover) from the "English Fan Club" in the forum.
Please save my marriage with my sweet heart !!
Please, please, please,
Salute !
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-19 15:04:17编辑过]