^O^ Win-Win Solution:
Don't even need to think:
Learn both of them, and learn both very well.
It is even better to learn 3, 4, 5.......languages.
It is a matter of how "daring" and your own "choice"
It has nothing to do with this culture or that culture.
European children learn 4, 5, 6, 7...languages at very young age, very easily, and it is very common.
They don't ask :
"Shall I learn this language or that language ?"
"Is this language better than that language ?"
"If I learn this language, will I loose that language ?"
"Is this language more decorative than that language ?"
"Will I get short ? If I learn the long language ?"
"Does this language taste better than that language ?"
"Will my mother cry if I learn my father's language ?"
"Will my stomach be too small for all these languages ?"
"Are the languages wider than our eyes ?"
"Will I feel guilty for that language if I love this language ?"
"Will I betray my sister in law ? If I learn my brother in law's cousin's cousin's language ?"
"Will the language understand what I want to say ?"
"If I love this language more, will that language commit suicide ?"
"If I give my mother's language a new cloth, will my grandma complain about me forgetting her language ?"
"Will my men friends play with me if I learn my girl frield's language."
"Will this language beat me up or that one eat me up ?
etc., etc....
Open your eyes wide....look as far as you can
This is a time of economic globalization,
You don't have any choice !!!
Your limitation is yours (when you create it ) !!!!
Your worries are reflections of yourself,
not reflections of the languages. !!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-8 23:57:23编辑过]