I respect your effort. Just want to remind you of a history of problems that people before you experienced in thousands of researches during the past 20 years.
In order to be recognized as "true science" you must pay attention to the following issues, otherwise, no matter how good a result you get, the international professional scientific community is still going to call you "puseudo science":
1. A "significant" number of "random" sampling.
2. A "significant" number of "duplications".
3. To be published by international professional journal (s).
We acknowledge the existence of "qi", we know it very well.
I am not saying you cannot prove it, or cannot conduct scientific research. Thousands of researches with your type of design were already done, with good result -- it is not a poblem to be accepted by the "qigong" community.
But, what is accepted by the "Qigong professionals" is different from what would be accepted by "scientific professionals"
The problem is not about research (it is not a problem). The problems is about acceptance by international professional scientific community.
What I am talking here is about : "REQUIREMENTS" for professional scientific acknowledgement. (not Qigong requirements or standards)
Therefore, don't tell people about the success of your research, unless you can show your result in a published "international professional journal".
Otherwise, you are going to be laughed at !!
I simply don't want you to repeat the "hardship" many people before you have already gone through.