"When a wise (highest type man -Shang Shi) hear Dao, He studies it diligently; when an ordinary man (an avery type - Jung shi) hears Dao, he is not impressed; when a foolish (lowest type -xia shi) man hears Dao, he laughs at it. If a foolish man does not laugh at it, it is not Dao...."
(DAO DE JING -chapter 41)
We understand why you are laughing at Dao....!!!
Of course........
"Dao Bu Ke Li Ye, Ke Li Fei Dao Ye...."
(Dao cannot be separated from daily life, what that is being separated from daily life is not Dao)
"Dao Bu Yuen Ren......."
(Dao does not go away/give up on people)
But people..........
are blind !!!
Teachers of Dao are everywhere, teaching all the time........!!!
only you do not see ......
(you cannot see teachers wearing beautiful "high fashion", you only see those wearing "uniforms" in temples, in monasteries.....)
You miss them standing right in front of you ........
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-4 14:43:48编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-4 14:49:47编辑过]