Stop Children Research !!
1. Physically exhausting (drains a lot of energy).
2. Mentally disturbing (they don't know what has happened).
3. Interference with normal development (be observable as something unusual)
4. Their ESP and abilities are usually unstable - they can lost it easily.
5. Lots of damages in their growing process.
6. The abilities are not for "performance", "demonstration"......most of the times these abilites show up "naturally"....when they are asked to performan, they usually fail......
A lot of these children don't feel well after performances (for research or stage demonstration) some cried, some asked for their abilities to be "cancelled"....
It is not a "blessing" but a "curse" to a child to be asked to perform !!
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-2 15:02:55编辑过]