Ha Ha....Don't be disappointed !!
You don't need any "heavenly eye" to know why nobody understands your question. Simply because you have asked a "wrong question"...........
He He......
You want to use experimental method (material tools ) to measure existential phenonema (spiritual realm). The two areas are incompatible !!
Psycho-physiological studies are "experimental" methods requiring "control" and "experimental " groups, for double blinded, duplicable studies. It is usually for observable situations such as the measurement of blood, muscular masses, body fluids, gases (O2, co2 etc.)....
The method is totally "Western", "Modern", "experimental", "quantitative",
"linear thinking", "observable" ....scientists have very little experiences in "Eastern" metaphysic....
Qi phenomena is an "existential" inner experience of the spiritual practitioner. It is private and unobservable by a 3rd party (or instruments). It is almost impossible for duplication, because a spiritual practitioner usually cannot "will" for the results -- eg. meditation. Modern instruments are too backward for measuring things as simple as for examples "qi" and "meridians" in Chinese acupuncture.
Intangible (invisible) matters such as what described by Lao Tse as, "There is essence (Jing), there is matter (wu), there is information (xin)......."....Or " One gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to ten thousand matters......".......are totally incompatible using Western scientific method.
This is something very "Eastern", "Ancient", "relying on sensibilities rather than linear thinking", "metaphysic", "invisble"...........
Can you tell me, how can you design an "experiental" group and a "control" group of spiritual practitioners for the studies of inner changes of "qi" in a "duplicable", "observable" scientific manner ???
I am very sorry to give you a very "low level" answer with "sleepy eyes" for a "wrong question"
Please accept my humble apology !!
I am falling to sleep !!
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-29 13:13:34编辑过]