Don't compete !! Meaningless:
" My teaching is very easy to understand and very easy to practice. Yet the world does not understand or practice ! My teaching has its basis, and my conduct has its reason. Because the world is ignorant of them, I am misunderstood. There are few who understand me,and those who abuse me are placed in positions of honour.
Therefore the Sage must dress in coarse robes while hiding precious jewels within his breast !"
(Dao De Jing --- chapter 70 )
"True words may nto be specious, and specious words may not be true. Good words may not be convincing, and convincing words may not be good.
Wise men may not be learned, and the learned may not be wise."
(Dao De Jing -- chapter 81)
Lao Tse does not care about ups and downs, good or bad, praise or slander, popularity or being neglected........
Everything is OK !!!
Being strong is the beginning of being weak,
Being weak is the beginning of being strong !
"Only when you don't compete, you are not harmed......and ever lasting !"
Therefore, a holy man (Master) does not compete !!!
Don't compete with any Buddhists, or other schools........
It is meaningless !!!
Each teaching has it's own path and time !!!
Dear Buddhists, please Look back on your own history during "Cultural Revolution" --- 50 steps laugh at 100 steps !!
When you are in sunny days, you need to prepare for rainny days, thunder storms .....
It is just a matter of time, you just don't know when it happens ........
(*** In Buddism this is called -- the law of "Impermanence" - Wu Chang)
Laughing at others is laughing at yourself ..........
555555!!!!! Buddha is crying.........
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