Lotus Fairy Method (Lian Hua Xin Fa): This is magical
During the month of March (3) and April (4) of next year, find a lotus root (those that has real flowers).
1. Put the roots into a flower pot of at least 1' (one foot) in diameter with soil (dirt).
2. Put the flower pot inside a big water container (such as basin, or a pond)......cover the flower pot and water container with water about 1' high. (it does not matter, as long as it has a lot of water)...........
Put it under the sun, not next to the computer.......
3. You can add Gold Fishes......to play with the lotus flowers, fertilize the flower, and eats worms in the water, .........
4. Change the water every week (just half).
5. After the flower bloosoms, don't pick the lotus pods -- let the lotus seeds grow old.
6. Put the seeds into water ---
7. Now, you can have the 2nd generation of "baby lotus".......
This week I have 2 big flowers (8 inches in width)and have given out 3 "baby lotus" to my friends .......and there is a long line of people waiting for my flowers !!!
If you are pure in your heart !!
Flower Fairies come to play with you under the moon night !!!
From now on, you don't need "paper lotus" from the little boys !!!
Be an independent woman of your own !!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-16 21:29:34编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-16 21:31:49编辑过]