Highest ability "now" is to be "Ordinary"......it is most difficult.
How can I find this, "unsuccessful", "ordinary", "so what", "no big deal" old man ?
I don't care about abilities, status...I love people at a level I can talk to, such as nobody, little potato, don't know much ......kindgarteners like me.
Can someone give out the "contact" PLEASE !!......
I am not interested in any of his other abilities including the sandle wood smell.......
I just want to know his skills of being so.. so... so.. "no big deal" and "unimportant" !!! This is exactly what I need to learn.
This skill at least protects you from people for "Miracle Hunting."
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-16 15:30:18编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-16 16:09:51编辑过]