Be flexible, the best thing is like water described by "Lao Tse" !!
Don't be bothered by the names, the forms, the ups and downs -- it has it's own vitality and has existed over many thousands of years under different names !!!
It has its own "path" independent of the twists and turns of history.
No, need to worry. Difficulties are just different forms of "training" for practitioners. We need it to purify and strengthen ourselves !! It is a good thing ! So that we can develope our ability for changes, and not like fragile flowers in the "green house".
Enjoy a BIG SMILE in rainny days and sunny days !!
Also, it is very important to follow rules and regulations of China and create a harmonious evironment in the society under all conditions.
Let us stay in peace, harmony, and unity.
Be very patient and don't give up.
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-28 22:27:22编辑过]