I always tell people to practice under the guidance of a teacher. Don't practice on your own. Many things could happen...it is very important and help you to avoid problems. (e.g. like what you are facing)
I don't know how much we can help you here.
We don't know your method, history, background, physical and mental conditions, environment, level, what contact you might have come across, etc.
We cannot see you, touch you, feel you, we know too little about you .........we can do very little.
Most of the times, people here can only "guess" from "their" own experiences (with a different method) regarding what happened to you, that may or may not be correct.
A problem like yours could have many possible reasons.
(e.g. A fever could be caused by: 1000 different illnesses, injury, infection, good/bad qigong phenomena, dressing too warm......etc.)
Your information is not enough at all.
We cannot tell what is the "real reason" behind your situation.
I always tell people "not" to solve problem here.
They should go to see a real teacher face to face.
Do you have any "real teacher" nearby that you can go to ?
Someone who teaches the method that you are practicing ?
(e.g. a famous Buddhist temple, or a famous Daoist Monastery etc.)
For the time being, before you find a "real teacher" try to stay calm.
Don't worry ! We will try our best to support you.
But, don't rely on it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-17 2:35:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-17 12:33:06编辑过]