All in your "head" - if you believe it, it is 'REAL"
SKY IS THE LIMIT: as long as you are "DARE " to dream, to imagine, and to keep promises to yourself and the world ........
You are your own "Buddha", "God".....
You are your best teacher.
If you don't bring "heaven" to yourself, who will ?
Take your loves ones, you friends, your family out, and tell them how much you
"love them, appreciate them....."
And be their guardian angel yourself..
While the moon is bright, the flowers are beautiful......
Don't wait for rainny days.....and pray to "outsiders" !!
This is the true spirit of 24 hours a day, everyday Qigong practice !!!
See you tonight !!
If you think of me, I will be there for you !
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-6 22:15:51编辑过]