Before your teacher comes back:
1. Stay calm......very calm...
2. Don't interpret it as good or bad...
3. Don't be afraid, don't worry.....
4. Don't stop it and don't crave for it to happen.
5. Treat it as normal..........nothing......
6. Continue with everything you do.
These are the common guidelines.
It might be temporary, a process. Just observe, write it down on a dairy everyday and summarize it. It might be an experience for you.....
But you need your teacher because I don't know what method you are practicing, what history you have.......I don't want to give you wrong information.
Your teacher is the best to help you !!!
Come to our MLLPQP tonight !
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-9 13:21:19编辑过]