My sweet heart said,
(After a long and intimate family meeting full of bitter sweetness)
She said, (my sweet heart computer)
I love you dearly,
I am going to let you go !!!
You are not my private property...
You are your own man of dignity...
You are totally free......
Don't ask me,
ask yourself.....
It is not a 2nd wife (xiao lao po) that you are asking ....
Your already have one,
That is the "Qigong Forum" you sleep with every night !!
You are now asking for a 3rd wife.....
A Chinese speaking "xiao lao po"
to become the "Ban Zhu" of the Qigong Forum....
Go ahead !
I am my own woman - independent and liberated,
I am going to join rank with Simon de Beauvoir,
(A pioneer in the women's liberation movement in France.
Author of the number 1 book on women's liberation: "The Second Sex".
Lover of the French Philosopher on Existentialism - Jean Paul Sartre (sa te)
She said goodby to him later on in life......)
Goodbye and good luck,
on your new job with the "Qigong Forum".
Crack, Crack, crack......crack.....
It is the sound of my heart
That is breaking.......
Not her heart !!!
For all the "honor" and "glamour" in the world,
How can I trade "love" that is so pure and selfless ?
For a "cyber lover"(internet lover) like the "Qigong Forum" ?
Am I stupid ?
Or, am I blind ?
Who is the one spend time with me night after night.....
during my darkest moments ?
With all the honor and glamour in the world,
May I trade for her "forgiveness" ?
Sweet heart, I am ready to take you out of here !
Come with me,
We are going to honey moon around the world.
My air tickets are ready.
Of all the honor and glamour in the world,
and the "Ban Zhu" of the Qigong Forum....
The best choice is to have "none" ! (not to have it)
Let's live a life of simplicity and ordinary !
I am going to grow an organic garden
for you specially,
next to our lotus pond.....
And bring you bouquet of flowers every night !!
(Sunshine Poetry Workshop: October 17, 2002 - today)
I cannot become the "Ban Zhu", sorry !
May I say thank you to "Fo Ming Ju Shi" and "Tongling" for saving my "marriage" !!
You are doing a wonderful job.
Salute !!
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-10-19 4:41:32编辑过]