I have seen "Reincarnated" live Buddhas, when they are 2 years old, 3 years old, 4 year old, 5 year old........I mean many of them at different occassions.
They are usually very playful, running around, and requiring more attention.
Their assigned "mentor" (usually their own disciple/student or Partner in the past life time) or so called "baby sitter" said quietly, they are usually quite mischievous.....(...because they are smarter ???...)
I asked, "Do you spank them ? They are your former teachers(gurus) ?"
They said, "Sure, when they need it.....but, with compassion. Of course, like other children they need discipline....."
They go to kindergarten, learn how to read....like "everyone".....
The only difference is: Their former life was a "Lamma", "Linpoche","Guru".....
What do you think ? Do they have higher power ??? I can't tell !!
I like them. They are sweet little boys !!
I don't dare to comment on the "adult Life Buddha" !!
I NEED TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT !! I am not qualify to say anything.
P.S. They usually reincarnate within a few years. Coming back so quickly, so that their former students (disciples)or Partners are still surviving, therefore can take care of them.
They have special methods finding them.
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[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-18 2:58:16编辑过]