"Tricks" of little boy to seek "attention" from "daddy and mommy" is to "make troubles"
Too much "attention" is to "spoil" the child. (If a mother is too kind or too soft she always spoils the child -- a Chinese saying)
The best way to help the child to grow up is to "ignore" him and "shut the door."
He automatically knows how to shut up and behave after being kicked out.
Ha Ha...the little boy has successfully made 40 + daddies and mommies fallen into his "trap" !!
Let's ignore him and take him out of the house , otherwise, he is going to give you more troubles......assuming more attentions will come.......(see how much garbages he has filled in here !!)
Little boy, if you want to make trouble.......get out !!
Don't come back.......so that you can grow up quickly......and it is for your own good.
Goodbye !!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-9-30 17:38:00编辑过]