The first and most important thing to know when you start to trade is the amount of capital required that will enable you to continue to trade 1, 2, 3, 5 or 20 years and never lose your capital. If you always have capital to start trading again, you can recoup losses and make money, but if you risk all of your capital on one or two trades and lose it, then the chances are against you. "Safety first" is the rule to apply.
The unit of trading in Wheat on the Chicago Board of Trade is 5,000 bushels, altho you can trade in job lots of 1,000 bushels. When Wheat is selling between 50 and 75¢ per bushel, you need a capital of $750 to trade in 5,000 bushels. Your stop loss orders should be 1 to 2¢ per bushel under a daily bottom or under the Trend Line bottom, according to the rules.
If your average risk is 1½¢ per bushel or $75 on each 5,000 bushels, you could lose 10 consecutive times before your capital of $750 would be wiped out. This has never happened and never will happen if you trade according to the rules and buy and sell on Trend Line bottoms and tops and on double or triple bottoms and tops. It is seldom that you will ever have three consecutive losses. However, should you have three consecutive losses, which would reduce your capital 200 to $250, then try to make your next trade of 5,000 bushels where your risk will only be 1¢ per bushel.
If you have three trades that show a total loss of 5¢ per bushel and then you get a market running and make 10¢ per bushel, you are 5¢ per bushel ahead. Of course, many times in very active markets, with wide range, you will start a pyramid which will result in profits of 50¢ per bushel or even $1 per bushel before your pyramid is closed out. The main thing to do is to always go with the trend and never buck the trend, regardless of how much capital you have.
When Wheat is selling between 75¢ and $1, then you should have a capital of $1,000 to trade in 5,000-bushel lots. When Wheat is selling between $1.00 and $1.50 per bushel, your capital should be $1,500. When Wheat is selling between $1.50 and $2.00, your capital should be $2,000.00 for each 5,000-bushel lot.