- 心理卫生课 · 远离贪嗔痴三毒
3条回复,673次浏览贪、嗔、痴” 三毒, 是一切烦恼的源头, 是一切过患的根源, 是引发轮回的祸首, 故又称“三不善根”。 三界者:贪嗔痴是, 它先伤己,再伤人, 使人沉沦于生死苦海, 演绎着人间的 ..
- 供灯的功德
1条回复,472次浏览佛前供灯的十种功德和福报: 一、照世如灯。供灯者生生世世如同人间的明灯,智慧光明照亮整个世界。 二、肉眼不坏。供灯者心明眼亮,不会变成盲人,也不会近视。 三、得于天眼。将会 ..
- 聋人听曲哑人歌
0条回复,582次浏览当今时代,各种言论充斥网络,讲经说道者也扑面而来。原本,弘扬传统经典文化,是莫大的好事,但其中也有几点,需传讲听闻者留意。 1、经论,乃圣者心要,而圣者皆证法界本理者,故 ..
- 建寺院的功德
0条回复,499次浏览《莲花经》云,任何善信发心捐助建寺与佛堂,可以获得以下十大功德: 1、无始以来诸恶业,得以减轻或消除。 2、天人护佑,逢凶化吉。 3、去除障碍,免夙仇报复之苦。 4、妖魔 ..
- 一世敦珠法王血脉继承人龙日尖措仁波切修建青海喀尔噶达寺
0条回复,1090次浏览喀尔噶达寺(原称格力穷寺)位于青海省班玛县吉卡乡,属宁玛寺院。早年一世敦珠法王嗣子多吉扎杜尊者以及贤孙索南德赞尊者等相继接受供养,或管理此寺,或于此弘法修行。此处本是佛法 ..
- 死得体面
0条回复,571次浏览关于什么是死得体面,死得有尊严,死得好。 说是几年前,某大寺里,有一位60岁左右的喇嘛医院检查得了癌症,已是晚期,时日无多。 于是,他的师长交代他把毕生积累都供养出去。喇嘛 ..
- 关于巴珠仁波切的回忆
4条回复,3755次浏览昨天发了一篇我的皈依师大和尚的文章,很多人都说很感动。 今天我也转发一篇感动我的文章。这是我的另一位上师,巴珠仁波切。 佛爷圆寂于2008年。十五年来,对我来说,他仍然好像从 ..
- 多智钦仁波切的小故事
0条回复,507次浏览某年,久治县的山神年志被笨教一位大师修法诛杀了,年志山神是久治县十三所寺院的共同护法,各教派每年都要共同集供,此事的发生让大家惶恐不安。 多智钦法王(H.H. 4th Dodrupchen ..
- 【《地藏经》每天坚持诵一品也可以 】 --- 梦参老和尚《地藏菩萨本愿经》讲记 ---
- 一场躲不过的大考
- 请常念:龙自在王如来
0条回复,530次浏览念佛号,不仅对究竟佛果有非常大的利益,甚至对暂时利乐也有非常大的帮助。有些人害怕出现地震、雪灾、海啸等灾难,这样的话,可以念“龙自在王如来”的名号,世间上的 ..
- 佛法光耀洲
1条回复,501次浏览格力琼寺佛法光耀洲简介 相传本寺的前身为1810年由一位悟道者在多扎格(白石崖)所建的道场(ནག་སྒར),这一年份载于《果洛教历水晶宝镜》中, ..
- 变食真言 | 施食龙王求大富饶法
1条回复,496次浏览龙族之福德威力甚大,若一个国家有大龙王守护,可令国土富庶,风调雨顺,人民安居乐业。 古代相传,洞庭君因娶了龙女而不死成仙,几百年后在吴越之地显灵。 读《萨迦世系史》,提到 ..
- 龙自在王如来
0条回复,482次浏览据《佛说称扬诸佛功德经》记载: “复次,舍利弗!东方去此火光世界。度十八佛刹。有世界名曰正觉,其国有佛,号龙自在王如来。至真,等正觉,明行成为,善逝,世间解,无上士,道 ..
- 龙钦巴的最后遗言
0条回复,524次浏览在一个无云的夜空, “众星之主”满月即将升起。 莲花生大士,我慈悲之主的脸, 引我靠近,表示温柔的欢迎。 我对于死亡的喜悦,远远大于商家在海上大发利市的喜悦, 或众神吹嘘沙场 ..
- 龙自在王如来
0条回复,599次浏览据《佛说称扬诸佛功德经》记载: “复次,舍利弗!东方去此火光世界。度十八佛刹。有世界名曰正觉,其国有佛,号龙自在王如来。至真,等正觉,明行成为,善逝,世间解,无上士,道 ..
- proarticle
0条回复,3794次浏览Punaluu Black Sand Beach is a very popular attraction on the Big Island of Hawaii, because it not only has beautiful scenery, but also wildlife. Visitors can indulge in t ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,489次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,456次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,558次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,459次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,439次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,411次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,438次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,468次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,498次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,448次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,431次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,383次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,420次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,383次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,369次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,423次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,416次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,482次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,444次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,387次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,367次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,365次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,354次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,345次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,524次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,330次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- yourtopbestblogger
0条回复,387次浏览whether or not she is spilling the tea on her cutting-edge breakup or explaining the superiority of "sharting" in her romantic existence, kennedy "ken" ..
- 排列三第23155期开奖结果左边数,中间数?
1条回复,625次浏览公历:2023年06月14日02时00分 农历:癸卯兔年(金箔金)四月廿六丑时 芒种:公历2023年06月06日06时46分 国际易经网梅花易数排盘系统 小暑:公历2023年07月07日18时10分 四柱 ..
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0条回复,843次浏览起卦方式:手工指定 公历:2023年06月14日01时56分 农历:癸卯兔年(金箔金)四月廿六丑时 芒种:公历2023年06月06日06时46分 国际易经网六爻排盘系统 小暑:公历2023年07月07日18时 ..
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2条回复,1014次浏览起卦方式:手工指定公历:2023年06月14日01时51分农历:癸卯兔年(金箔金)四月廿六丑时芒种:公历2023年06月06日06时46分 国际易经网六爻排盘系统小暑:公历2023年07月07日18时10分 ..
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2条回复,833次浏览起卦方式:手工指定 公历:2023年06月12日22时54分 农历:癸卯兔年(金箔金)四月廿四亥时 芒种:公历2023年06月06日06时46分 国际易经网六爻排盘系统 小暑:公历2023年07月07日18时 ..
- 探运:属马的人未来事业如何,为什么婚姻都比较晚?
0条回复,585次浏览【求客咨询】探运师傅好,我是朋友推荐过来的,想测一下事业方面,听听建议,以后往哪方面发展比较合适,换了很多份工作,但都做不久,而且现在年龄也不小了,还没有结婚,虽然自己不 ..
- bloggingaboutanythingonline
0条回复,459次浏览looking for an expectant mom may be tricky, specially in case you’ve never been pregnant your self. need to you purchase something for the toddler? something just for th ..